The Band History Series continues with the second year of operation – 2001. The RCMP Pipe Band continued to grow in 2001 and participated in more and more events. Their partnership with the Ottawa Police Pipe Band helped this along considerably. They were a busy bunch, playing at the first Sunset Ceremony in Ottawa, the Glengarry Highland Games and the Kingston Heritage Tattoo. Read the summary of that year, prepared by the Pipe Major in this document.
RCMP Pipe Band History Review – the year 2000
This is the first weekly article describing the history of the RCMP National Division Pipe Band. The wheels were put in motion in 1998 to form a local pipe band for the RCMP in Ottawa. The band would be comprised of serving and retired members of the Force, employees, and citizen volunteers. In the spring of 2000, the RCMP Pipes & Drums of the National Capital Region (NCR) were formed.
To read the full article by Pipe Major Graeme Ogilvie describing the background and events of the year 2000, click this link
20th Anniversary History Review
The RCMP Pipes and Drums National Division band is 20 years old this year! Something we will celebrate with a series of historical articles, presented on this blog page.
From our Pipe Major, Graeme Ogilvie: Our first formal event as the RCMP Pipes and Drums (National Capital Region) occurred 06 September 2000, the Change of Command parade for Commissioner Zaccardelli. So this, being the year of our 20th anniversary (vice the 20th anniversary of the National Program and the RCMP tartan which we recognized two years ago), is an appropriate time to celebrate. Unfortunately the current pandemic has put a halt to much of what we would have liked to have done, both now and potentially in the foreseeable future.
Continue reading “20th Anniversary History Review”Welcome
Welcome to the new Pipe Band Blog page. This is a new initiative for us, so we are not yet sure how it will turn out. This is the band’s 20th year in operation, so we will be starting a series of posts describing the events over those years. Once the pandemic situation permits, we hope the band will get back to normal activities, at which time we should be able to write some blogs about our events. And who knows what else might show up? Stay tuned and we hope the contents of the blog will be interesting for you.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pipes, Drums & Dancers of National Division
The Band’s web site is back for your viewing pleasure, reconstructed after a technical issue. Follow the menu items above to view the pages you are interested in. We will continue to make improvements to the web site, so please check back from time to time, to read more about the band.