The National Program

The National Division Pipes, Drums, and Dancers are one of 8 bands from coast to coast, which make up our RCMP Community Bands of Pipes and Drums in Canada.

A composite band, made up of band members from across Canada, performed at the Tattoo in 2019

This program was authorized by RCMP Commissioner Phil Murray in 1998, the same year the RCMP tartan was unveiled. Some 250 strong across the country, they are all volunteers, coming from the ranks of civilian and regular members of the RCMP, other police officers, military, doctors, lawyers, retired members and almost any occupation one can think of. After audition and selection through a rigorous process, they all represent the Force in their field of expertise (piping, drumming, or highland dancing). Our bands serve to build community police public relations, fostering trust with Canadians across the country. We are also a recruiting tool.  All bands come under the command of, and operate with the full support of their individual commanding officers of each Divisional band.